Alex Alerts | City of Alexandria, LA

Neighborhood & Faith Organizations

Neighborhood & Faith Organizations

As a neighborhood or faith leader, you can help your community members prepare for emergencies.

We’ve outlined a few ways that you can be a good neighbor and help to protect fellow members of your community.

people, friends, together

Spread the Word

Before, during, and after an emergency, help check on residents and disseminate information to people in your network. Go door-to-door, talk to people at your church, use social media. As a community leader, you are a trusted voice. Sign up for emergency alerts and preparedness information from Alex Alerts so you stay in the know. Have members or neighbors who are elderly or have medical or mobility needs? Help them sign up for the Special Needs Registry.

Control Rumors

False information can be dangerous during an emergency. Help people in your networks understand what is and is not accurate.  Alex Alerts and the City of Alexandria website are your trusted sources for information from the City of Alexandria.

Link people & resources

After an emergency, volunteers and donations tend to flow in. Help coordinate with volunteer organizations to ensure resources are getting to those who need them, because you know your community best.

Get Emergency Training

Consider additional training like active shooter preparedness, hands only CPR, stop the bleed, or Community Emergency Response Training. You can gain additional skills to respond to an emergency in your community.